Online Quiz for Course C 學生安全訓練課程 “C”

Instructions: Continue responding to these 3 questions until you answer them all correctly. Then read the Code of Conduct. When you “submit” your name will appear on the database so the Principal will know you have completed this mandatory annual child safety training. 說明: 請問答下列三個問題,直到您全部答對為止,然後閱讀“保護學生安全之行為準則”。當您點選“送出”後,您的名字將會被登錄在本校的資料庫中,校長即可知道您已完成這項每年一次,必須完成的學生安全訓練。


Campus: Taipei Taichung Kaohsiung Chiayi

Full Name
Child(s) Name and Gradelevel (If Applicable)
Email Address

1. When a student reports an abuse, which of the following responses would NOT be appropriate? 如果學生向你通報虐待事件,下列何項不是適當的回應?

   “This was not your fault.” “這不是你的錯。”
   “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” “我很難過這件事發生在你身上。”
   “Did your father hit you in the head?” “你的父親有打你的頭嗎?”
   “You did the right thing to tell an adult.” “你把這件事告訴大人是正確的。”

2. Who should you tell after a child reports something to you? 如果有學生向你通報兒童虐待事件,你應該告訴誰?

   Parent 家長
   Principal 校長
   Supervisor 直屬主管
   Police 警察

3. What are the 3 primary safeguards in Morrison’s Child Safety that reduce the risk of child abuse? 在馬禮遜學校的兒童保護措施中,有哪三項基本措施可以降低兒童虐待的風險?

   Visibility 明顯的場所
   Accountability 信賴原則
   Isolation 隔離處理
   Balance Control 平衡原則


I acknowledge that I have read Morrison Academy’s Code of Conduct for Child Safety and agree to abide by it. I declare that I have not engaged in sexual abuse, physical abuse, a pattern of emotional abuse, or neglect of a child. Further, I have never been the subject of disciplinary action, or dismissal by an employer, church, ministry, or other volunteer organization following an allegation of any such acts. Nor have I been the subject of an investigation of such acts by civil authorities. If I have been the subject of an allegation of such acts, regardless of the outcome of the allegation, I have notified the Superintendent of Morrison Academy. I understand my responsibility to report abuse and other inappropriate conduct toward a child to an administrator. I understand Morrison Academy takes allegations of child abuse seriously and that abuse in any form will not be tolerated. I understand that Morrison Academy will cooperate with civil authorities in the investigation of any report of abuse. US citizens authorize Morrison Academy to do a criminal history background check and non-US citizens agree to obtain a police background check as a condition for working with students. I have read this acknowledgement form and voluntarily sign it.
我已經讀過馬禮遜學校的 “保護學生安全之行為準則” ,並同意遵守其規定。我聲明我沒有對任何孩子有性虐待、身體虐待、任何形式的情緒虐待、或疏忽的行為。此外,我也從未因為任何前述行為被雇主、教會、差會、或其他志工機構糾正或退職。 我也沒有因為任何前述行為被司法單位調查過。如果我曾經被指控有過上述行為,不論最後調查的結果為何,我都已經告知馬禮遜學校的總校長。我明白我有責任向行政主管通報兒童虐待事件和其他不當的行為, 也明白馬禮遜學校嚴肅面對每一件所通報的兒童虐待事件,學校不容許任何形式的虐待。我明白針對任何一件所通報的兒童虐待事件,馬禮遜學校會全力配合司法單位的調查。 凡在馬禮遜學校工作,且會與學生接觸的美國籍人士,同意授權馬禮遜學校查詢其犯罪紀錄; 非美國籍人士則需取得刑事紀錄證明。 我已經讀過以上聲明,並自願簽署。

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